Our activities

What does the Tibet Support Committee do?


One of the committee's main functions is the dissemination of information about conditions in Tibet to politicians, authorities, media, other organizations and especially the public.


Through our contact with government and politicians, we are helping to give them the ideas and information they need to maintain a focus on China's abuses in Tibet. 

News agency

We make sure that the Danish press is constantly informed of new developments in Tibet, including disseminating news releases and reports from the worldwide network of Tibet and human rights organizations and from the Tibetan government in exile.


We hold and participate regularly in events such as discussion evenings, lectures, seminars and other cultural or political events that aim to inform Danes on the situation in Tibet. We do this often in collaboration with other Tibetan organizations in Denmark.

Assistance /Cooperation with other Tibet organisations

For several years, Støttekomiteen Tibet has supported a Danida-funded aid project in the Tibetan exile community, in cooperation with the exile government. This is a project which developed a system to help the many torture survivors fleeing Tibet.


We often cooperate with or participate in networking activities for Danish private organizations. Additionally, we contribute to coordinate activities and exchange of information within the global network of Tibet groups via the Internet exchanges.

Member magazine

The støttekomiteen for Tibet association publishes a member magazine Sneløven that contains news and background articles on Tibet, reaching around 700 people and is also to be found in some libraries. Sneløven is the only Danish magazine on Tibet.

Book publishing and sales

In recent years we have published or participated in the publication of several books focusing on Tibet. Our shop in Ryesgade in Copenhagen has the largest selection of books on Tibet and is the only place in Denmark, where reports on the situation in the occupied land are available.

Resource Base

The association works on a daily basis as a resource base where pupils, students, journalists, travelers and others can get help and inspiration on the study of conditions in Tibet.


Under "Activities" you can read more about what work the association has done in recent years.

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  • 11 danske kandidater støtter Tibet

    Aktiv dansk deltagelse i Europa-Parlamentets arbejde for Tibet er på vej!

     Støttekomiteen for Tibet har opfordret kandidater til Europa-Parlamentsvalget til at love at støtte Tibet, hvis de bliver valgt. Det har 11 af kandidaterne gjort indtil nu. Dermed har danskerne fået mulighed for at stemme på en kandidat, der lover at:

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  • Tibets eksilpræsident Penpa Tsering besøger Danmark

    Pressemeddelelse, 2. maj 2023

    I eftermiddag bliver Tibets eksilpræsident (Sikyong) Penpa Tsering modtaget af repræsentanter fra det Tibetanske Samfund og danske Tibetforeninger i Københavns lufthavn. Han indleder hermed et 3-dages besøg i Danmark arrangeret af Støttekomiteen for Tibet i samarbejde med Office of Tibet i London.

    Det er Penpa Tserings første besøg i Danmark som præsident.

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  • Borgerforslag om verbalnoten til Kina
    Annuller regeringens verbalnote om Tibet!
    Underskriv borgerforslaget her: 
    Den 9. december 2009 anerkendte den danske regering for første gang Tibet som en del af Kina. Det skete gennem en såkaldt verbalnote, der også "modsatte sig” Tibets uafhængighed.
    Tibet har en historie, der går længere tilbage end Danmarks. Kina besatte Tibet ulovligt i 1950 og holder i dag landet i et jerngreb.
    Verbalnoten er i strid med folkeretten og med Danmarks forpligtelser og interesser. Den krænker desuden tibetanernes selvbestemmelsesret og modvirker en forhandlingsløsning. Læs uddybningen i selve forslaget.
    Støttekomiteen for Tibet forsøger nu at få Folketinget til at annullere verbalnoten. Det gør vi gennem dette borgerforslag. Vi håber, at du vil underskrive det og bede dine venner gøre det samme!
    Læs mere om verbalnoten her: http://www.tibetkomite.dk/verbalnoten-om-tibet